Features:- Ready-to-use aqueous solution- Contains DAPI counterstain (blue fluorescence staining of nuclei)- Non-hardening formulation- Inhibits photobleaching of fluorescent dyes and fluorescent proteins- No warming necessary- No sealing necessary for long term storage- Contains no counterstain- Ideal refractive index (1.45)- 10 ml volume- Six month expiration date- CE MarkApplications: - Immunofluorescence- In situ hybridization- Cellular ImagingDetails: VECTASHIELD Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI does not solidify, but remains a liquid on the slide and can be stored without sealing.If desired, coverslips can be sealed around the perimeter with nail polish or a plastic sealant. Mounted slides should be stored at 4 °C, protected from light. This solution contains DAPI (4 , 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), which produces a blue fluorescence when bound to DNA with excitation at about 360 nm and emission at 460 nm. The DAPI concentration can be modified by mixing with the corresponding VECTASHIELD® Mounting Medium without DAPI (LS-F1032).VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media are compatible with a wide array of fluorochromes, enzymatic substrates, and fluorescent proteins.See the VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media Compatibility document to determine if VECTASHIELD® will be compatible in your system.Antifade Comparison: Other manufacturers measure the antifade properties of their mounts using labeled microspheres or arrayed spots. Vector® Labs prefers to measure antifade properties of VECTASHIELD® mounts using frozen tissue sections immunohistochemically stained with fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies.Antifade capability is measured using a 40x objective with real time imaging over 30 seconds of continuous exposure to the excitation illumination. Individual intensity measurements are recorded from 6 separate labeled regions and the average is calculated. The intensity after 30 second exposure is expressed as a percentage of the intensity at zero time. The values for PG are taken from the manufacturer s published results.